Infectious enthusiasm – the role of digital champions

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Anyone can be a digital champion. You need an interest and enthusiasm for dabbling with digital solutions, but you certainly don’t need to be a technical expert. In fact, it’s probably better if you don’t have a technology-related ‘day job’.  

Digital champions play a vital role in promoting, engaging and supporting their colleagues, and people and families who receive care, in the use of digital technology.  

Alongside their regular work, in anything from delivering care to leading teams and systems, they use a range of skills to increase people’s confidence, understanding and motivation when it comes to technology. 

These skills and techniques including listening, in order to better understand what might be holding people back from adopting or engaging with digital solutions. They may use mentoring, offering regular and structured support to learn and develop digital skills. Advocating is another important area of their work, sharing news about ideas about digital technology and demonstrating curiosity and interest in all things digital.  

Whether working with health and care staff or people and families in receipt of care – digital champions play a unique role in experimenting, inspiring, reassuring and supporting people to explore and adopt digital solutions.  

Read more on the role of digital champions, the benefits they bring to people and organisations, and how to introduce a digital champion programme for your organisation and workforce.