Digital confidence to deliver digital success

This is a picture of two women sitting at a table looking at a mobile phone

We live in a world of technology. In our personal lives we use tablets to browse the web, smartphones to check our social media feeds and video to catch up with friends and family all over the world. And of course, many of these everyday technologies can be useful in social care settings too. 

However digital ways of working will only be helpful if people have the confidence to be able to use technology. It’s with this in mind that Skills for Care is shining a light on the support available to help people working in adult social care grow their digital confidence.

Confidence when using technology is key to the digital transformation of how care is delivered. But making the switch and using technology to support care doesn’t have to be daunting. Skills for Care’s digital confidence campaign aims to spotlight the resources available to support adult social care employers to improve digital skills and confidence in using technology within their teams.

A good starting point is our own digital skills framework which helps people working in the sector to understand what digital skills they need, whatever their role.

Follow the campaign hashtag #DigitalConfidence to see all of the useful resources that Skills for Care are sharing over the next few weeks. And don’t forget to check out the resources and support available in the digital skills area of our website.